
art. 1 § 1 : Legal advice

The operators of are in no way responsible for contributions in any of the IRC channels and the forum system and cannot possibly control all of them! We try to read everything as much as possible, but we can't check everything. We are always grateful for tips from the community. We reserve the right to change the rules at any time and without comment and to expand the rules for the sub-forums as we wish!

art. 1 § 2 : General

Great value is placed on a civilized, matter-of-fact tone. Any kind of insults or slander against individual people or groups, content of a hateful or anti-Semitic or pornographic nature or any indication of where the listed can be found will not be tolerated and will be deleted without comment and warnings will be issued!

art. 1 § 3 : Illegal

Warez, pornography, cheats and similar illegal things, regardless of content or links to them, are prohibited and will be deleted without comment!

art. 1 § 4 : Spam, thread title, completed topics

Please stay on topic in the various forums and threads. We reserve the right to delete or move posts that are off topic without comment. Threads that do not fit into any forum/sub-forum belong in the general forum. When you start a thread, it includes a meaningful, error-free heading so that the community member can select which topics they want to read. Thread headings such as [Help!] or [I have a problem] can be changed at any time by a moderator. If you repeatedly violate this rule, warnings can be issued, this especially applies to members who have been there for a long time! Threads that you created and are no longer needed because, for example. Your question has been answered, you should close it or change the subject to [DONE] thread title.

art. 1 § 5 : Advertising & Recruitment

Pure advertising for your own boards or pages is also not permitted and will be edited or deleted.

art. 1 § 6 : Personal contact

The [PN function] and/or email should be used for private conversations. Threads that are not aimed at the community will be deleted.

art. 1 § 7 : Multiple accounts

Duplicate and/or fake accounts (if the first account is still being used) are prohibited and will lead to the immediate blocking of the second account and a warning to the user.

art. 2 § 1 : No Cheats

Cheats are any custom client-side enhancements to the game that give an unfair advantage over others, such as:

  • Skins that glow through walls
  • Overly bright skins that are easier to see
  • Fog removal
  • Texture removal
  • Aimbot

not allowed !

art. 2 § 2 : Behavior

Banter and healthy criticism are always allowed, but using excessively vulgar wording or continuously bothering others via chat or otherwise in game will result in a mute and/or short ban.

If you curse excessively, you will be kicked. This includes sexual content, racism, graphic insults to other players, and also applies if you are using a vulgar or inappropriate player name.
art. 2 § 3 : Don't disrupt the flow of the game.

Blocking doors and rooms, shooting teammates, camping for long time, hiding in the map etc are not tolerated.

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11.07.2024 22:37
After a while of being idle, I see no reason to continue running the server. That's why the server has been canceled. Thank you all for the great times when everything was more active.
15.05.2024 01:54
no one from vetus is playing anymore?
15.05.2024 01:51
Sad :/
14.05.2024 22:01
It looks like there is no interest anymore.
12.05.2024 05:25
wheres everyone
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